European Bob's Hula Hoopla!

Fri, 21 Oct 2005

r654 is The Business

Again, new packages. I still found I was getting problems with the Indexer with the last lot, but Peter seems to have fixed it now :) I still suffered from stale locks though - so, if you have files like:


(The number could be all sorts of things)

... you'll want to remove them. Stop Hula, rm /tmp/lucene* and be on your merry way.

Other bugs:

You should find that you're able to connect, add events and stuff like that, though. Please let me know if you have any trouble; it's likely that the packages still aren't quite right about getting things up and running for everyone.

New Hotness Again

I just uploaded my r641 packages. These will automatically upgrade your schema when you install it, and if you install the new .NET agents it will use mdbtool to automatically add the Agents to your tree. It pretty much now mostly works for me; Sunbird is behaving with it fairly well. But, there are some gotchas. Here's what I learned: