European Bob's Hula Hoopla!

Mon, 01 Aug 2005

Hula talk on at AFFSAC 2005

The Association for Free Software ( are holding their annual conference in a couple of weeks, and I'll be there giving a talk about Hula. Why not register and come along?

What will the talk be about? Well, I have a fair few ideas. It would be nice to show off the new calendar stuff, even if it isn't totally working, so I'll have to ask some Novellers nicely nearer the time. But, I also have a few other tricks up my sleeve, I think. I just need to try out some code and see if they are actually worth exploring... :o>

We've hit r270

But still very little new! Hopefully the Hula stable release will be like this :) I keep expecting large calendar-shaped changes to land, but they're still a ways off I think.

270 has a fair few bugfixes; the sendmail implementation is much more likely to work with webapps and things now.