European Bob's Hula Hoopla!

Wed, 27 Jul 2005

New Hula roadmap; Seb in London

Seb is in London - if you're reading this Seb, chances of free WiFi in Heathrow are about as likely as Papal children. You can do it if you've setup nstx or a similar IP-over-DNS proxy, but I would guess that you haven't done that :o)

New plans for Hula are being wiki'd, and the main biggie is the Ukulele search system, an optional part of Hula being built on the same stuff Beagle is being built on - including mono. I suspect, like others, that this will cause some to turn away from Hula. My personal feeling is that mono is the direction the project should be taking, though - in particular, for simple development of custom agents and for writing custom tools. Maybe it will be less optional in Hula v2.